Camfrog Room Commands

When you are the OWNER of a room, you can use the command line to send order in the room. To give or take colors or to kick or punish people. Also you are able to change the behaviour of the room somewhat. For most room behaving options you have to login in the web console of the room, but some of those command also can be given on the command line of the room
The command line is where you usual type to chat in the room. But for the room to know you are going to send a command, you always have to start with a / . So the first you type is the / and right after the command that you want to give.

For the Admins.
Keep in mind, Admins can not control the settings and behaviour anymore as before. Many commands are restricted or only can be changed by the OWNER
Type /help on the command line and u will get an overview of all the normal commands to operate a room.

Camfrog Distributed Server Help:

Global commands:
/help – display help message
/ver – display version and uptime
/ignore – manage ignore list
/whowatching – check who is watching on this user
/watchlist – check user’s watch list
/top – display top users for the room
/pop – open top users videos
/msg – send a private message to user or group
/bot – send a private message to the bot
/report – report user’s webcam as inappropriate
/quit or /exit – exit the room

Control user behaviour:
/kick – kick user
/blockmic – block microphone
/unblockmic – unblock microphone
/punish – punish user
/unpunish – unpunish user
/punishlist – display punished users
/isbanned or /banned – check if nickname or IP address is banned
/ban – ban user
/unban – unban user
/clearbl – clear banlist

Room settings management:
/stat or /stats – display room statistics
/setopt – change room options
/oplist – manage operator list
/addfriend – add server’s friend
/delfriend – remove server’s friend
/clearol – clear oplist
/topic – set the room topic message
/notopic – reset topic
/moderator – turn moderator mode on/off

For the OWNER
Type /setopt help on the command line to get an overview of the commands you can use that will change the room behaviour.

/SETOPT possible parameters

/SETOPT topic topic text – set the room topic
/SETOPT moderator on|off – only allow operators to chat in the room
/SETOPT talk_time 0, 10-120 in seconds – limit maximum talk time
/SETOPT no_bots on|off – do not allow bots to the room
/SETOPT motd MOTD text – set the room MOTD
/SETOPT motd_agree on|off – make users agree with the room MOTD to join the room
/SETOPT cams_only on|off – do not allow users without camera to join the room
/SETOPT password password – set the room password
/SETOPT password_enabled on|off – enable the room password
/SETOPT nospam on|off – turn anti-SPAM filter on or off
/SETOPT teens_only on|off – do not allow adult users in the room
/SETOPT punish_timeout 60-259,200 – set default /punish timeout in seconds
/SETOPT punish_for_spam on|off – punish users instead of kicking for the SPAM
/SETOPT delayed_posting 0, 10-120 – delay messages from free members for a few seconds after they join
/SETOPT text_len_limit off (do not allow to chat), 0 (no limit), 1-250 – limit the max amount of characters per message for free members
/SETOPT smile_limit 0-250 – limit the max amount of smiles per message